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Writer's picture: Sara RoseSara Rose

By Sara Rose

Please keep in mind that when I write these blog posts they are always my own opinions and perspectives of life and how the universe works. Thank you.



“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn”


“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why”


“Be the flame, not the moth”

What is passion? What does it mean to be passionate about something? Most will say they know the answers to those questions, but in reality, they actually don’t fully know what it means. Most believe if they think they like something, then that must be passion. But in truth, passion comes from the heart and soul, this is a sensation that drives people to turn ordinary things into extra ordinary. Have you ever gotten lost in a great guitar rip? Or that song you heard gave you goosebumps? Or maybe you were so into a book that you lost track of time? These activities were composed perfectly because the person singing, playing, or writing followed their passion to the best of their ability. When we follow our passions to the best of our ability, we will create the reality we prefer to see play out. Beethoven composed music with passion. Leonardo da Vinci painted with passion. Passion is how great things are created, and how history is made. Find your passion, and you will find yourself. You will find out why you are here on earth in this lifetime, playing out this incarnation. We have come here to create, and we create with passion in our heart and soul. So many people have forgotten this, allowing the material world to take over and consume their daily lives. People become distracted by television, consumerism, social media, their jobs, and most of all, stress. The material world or the matrix has become the new normal, and creation is nearly obsolete. Most people get up, go to work, pay bills, eat, sleep, and fill their heads with negative content from TV or social media, then do it all again, day in and day out, over and over, until they have become completely numb. This daily routine becomes their life, and their subconscious tells them that this is okay, that it’s normal, and they lose the spark that lights passion. This is how people get what I like to call “trapped in the matrix” They are so lost in the material world that they have no idea that they are there in the first place. Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It’s doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result.

To leave the matrix, we must follow our passions and stop following the crowd. Don’t just think outside the box, step outside the box. Hell, be the damn box! If that’s what you want to be 😉 To find your passion, you must leave your comfort zone and try new things. Try everything, because when we find out what we don’t like, we become closer to finding what we do like. If we like something, we’re getting closer to finding passion in something. This is what children do. One week they want to try dance, then gymnastics, then soccer, then horseback riding. This is not because they want to annoy their parents or waste their parents’ money on pointless hobbies. This is because as young children, they are not as susceptible to the matrix and the sensation of passion is still thriving inside the soul. Unfortunately, this sensation they are feeling is usually cut off at some point. For some children this happens in schools. The school system is built on repetitive structures that are embedded in the subconscious mind, teaching children that there is no room for creation and passion, only schedules and rules. Now, I’m not saying children, or even adults don’t need rules, I’m saying the children should be given more room to create and think for themselves. Studies have shown that the children of parents who have decided to homeschool or self-school, are more open minded and have more of an ability to create from imagination. This is because the children are given a more open schedule and are encouraged to create their own structure, which allows them to be more in control of creating their reality, or a slight understanding of how the universe works.

Did you know that the curriculum in schools right now haven’t changed in structure since the 60’s? Times have changed very much since then, and our children are the future. They should be able to explore, expand, and ascend, but they are cut off at a young age. Until some time as an adult when the spark of passion cannot stay hidden any longer. So, what is a personal passion? This is something that makes you more excited than anything else in this world. This is something that you will feel from the inside, and it will be impossible to forget or give up. In fact, your soul won’t allow you to give up. Even if you feel that you’re not good at this thing, your soul and the universe will keep pushing you harder and harder until you listen. Passion does not come from thoughts; it comes from the heart and soul and can’t be ignored. Once you find what you’re passionate about, you must do everything you can to continue following it. Then you will begin to create. Most people will stop following the path because it’s too hard, or they don’t have time for passions because the material world has taken over, but all you need to do is follow to the best of your ability. This could be once a day, once a week, once a month as long as you’re following. When we do this, the universe understands that you know what your soul wants, and that you’re willing to work at it. And, when we follow to our best ability, new opportunities will come up along the way, giving you more time to act on your passion.

I will use myself as an example. I’m dyslexic, have learning disabilities, and I’m pretty sure I have what doctors have called ADHD, but the push I was getting from the universe was to write. This wasn’t just writing a few sentences; I was being pushed to write an entire novel. At first, I thought that there was no way I could do it, and no one was going to read it. But the push was so strong that I had to start typing whether it was going to be readable or not. My first book was published in 2019, and when I look back now, the experience wasn’t for nothing. Everything I wrote was being channeled, and it all started to resonate later down the road. The trilogy I wrote after that was channeled to help me understand my own personal spiritual awakening. I didn’t understand why the universe would choose writing as my tool for channeling since I wasn’t great at spelling, grammar, or editing. Until later, then I understood. Following your passion MUST take you out of your comfort zone to show you the amazing things we as souls are capable of creating. Not only did others enjoy my stories, leaving me with incredible reviews, I was shown something I needed to learn in this lifetime. One thing I learned is that others are entitled to their own opinion, and boy, is that a difficult lesson to learn. 😉 I had to learn to take the great comments, and the criticism.

Writing taught me to slow down, and to value my own personal thoughts and opinions more. It taught me self-worth and helped me move onto the next chapter of my journey; no pun intended. When you follow your passion, no matter how crazy or unreachable it may seem, there is something important the universe is trying to show you, that’s why the push to do it is so strong. When you follow your passion, new doors will open so you can move forward on your journey. Every event, no matter how small, leads you to the next event, and so on. Every decision is a catalyst to the next. Follow what makes you excited. Follow what makes you feel like that child exploring again. Follow your passion, and you will see how drastically your reality will change and how easy it will become to create. When is the last time you created something? Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute…

We are here to create, so what are you waiting for? My answer to the question was this newsletter. That’s the last thing I created, and hopefully it will help give you a little boost to find your passion and start following it. Stop making excuses for not following that little nudge, and just do it! It's amazing how wonderful life can actually feel once you learn how to create and be passionate about the this you CAN create.

Until next week, take care of yourself and others. We rise together as one.

Tips to get you moving towards your own passion:

Try everything! The more activities you try, the closer you will get to your passion.

Do it anyways! Sometimes we’re pushed towards something that doesn’t quite resonate, but there is a reason.

Listen for the signs! The universe will always send signs in some way that will help you along the way.

Don’t be afraid! Following our passions will take you out of your comfort zone, test you, and put road blocks in your way, just to see if you’re paying attention. Don’t let these things slow you down.

Open your eyes! The material world is but a matrix. Take the time to become more aware of how the universe actually works, so you can better understand how to create. I would suggest learning basic quantum physics.

What is one this that you're passionate about?

When is the last time you used your imagination to create?

And, what did you create?

Let me know in the comment section!



Sara Rose Spiritual Coach 2023. Powered and secured by Wix

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