Interactive Experience

“A rose dreams of enjoying the company of bees, but none appears. The sun asks: ‘Aren’t you tired of waiting?’ ‘Yes,’ answers the rose, ‘but if I close my petals, I will wither and die.’” – Paulo Coelho
The rose represents hope, inspiration and new beginnings. It is a sign of death and rebirth and believes that there is great purpose for everything, that everything happens for reason.
Sara Giles spent most of her life in a relatively “normal” state, according to regular society. She got married in her early 20’s to a wonderful and supportive man who Sara now shares 4 beautiful children with. 3 amazing daughter’s and a son who is a spitting image of her grandfather. Sara and her husband are also enjoying a baby grandson they very much adore. Sara worked various jobs, mostly at a well known catering company in the town she grew up in. Later down the road, Sara’s husband started his own catering company that is immensely successful to this day. She has always been over the moon happy and proud of him for this, but it left her wondering what she was meant to do in life. When her kids began to grow, and no longer needed the attention they did as wee little one’s, Sara began to explore her passions.
Becoming a published author in 2020 of a book titled “Just Drive” lead her on the exciting and new journey of writing. She then continued to publish 4 more books, a dark fantasy trilogy, and then a romance novel. Within a couple years, the excitement began to dwindle away, and the truth of the author world started to become clear. In fact, many aspects of life in general started to change in a certain way for Sara. Things she had enjoyed seemed to disappear, people she thought she knew started to show their true colours, and the world she viewed before had suddenly been turned upside down. Everything she believed in was being questioned, everything she had learned from childhood had been erased from her mind, and nothing was as it seemed anymore. Sara is unsure to this day the exact moment or event that triggered this, but a spiritual awakening was underway, which was extremely confusing in the beginning.
Now that she is able to look back a few years, Sara can clearly see that her journey of writing was for a specific reason. The books that she published were not only stories she had made up in her head, but they were also the story of her own personal awakening, being expressed in the only way she knew how at the time. Each book is a metaphor for the feelings and emotions that humans go through when they are being awakened, or rising in consciousness. Sara was guiled to leave writing behind for some time while she learned who she was on the inside, starting with practicing meditation. The more Sara stopped resisting and allowed spirit to guild her, the more her intuition opened up. She discovered that she could work with the energy around her, and feel it coming from others.
This lead her to practicing reading tarot cards and picking up the energy from them. She then quickly moved on to the art of reiki healing, using the universal energy to heal others and became certified in the first and second degree reiki. As sara’s consciousness began to increase more and more, she found that she could communicate with passed loved ones and spirits from the other side by using clairvoyance, clairaudience and claircognizance. Alarming at first, Sara eased into mediumship just the same as reading tarot. She also started to notice signs from her spirit guilds and the universe, always pointing her in the direction she need to go in that moment. The beautiful rose plant was one sign she had seen over and over. Unable to escape the image or the written word “Rose” Sara decided to incorporate it in her new spiritual practice, becoming “Spiritual Coach, Sara Rose”.
When Sara Rose had become a certified spiritual life coach, and began working with clients, this is when she finally knew she had found her deepest passion and her soul’s purpose in this life. Showing others how to raise their own consciousness and heal past wounds and traumas that could be holding them back from their true identity has become Sara’s greatest passion, and she has now added certified meditation coach to her practice as well. Although she is still writing a bit now, mostly none fiction about her awakening, Sara’s intentions are to keep adding spiritual knowledge to her practice, and to help as many people as possible to see who they really are and bring out their true potential. This makes her soul smile, and she knows that we rise together as a whole collective.

Sara’s favourite quotes:
“Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not”
~ Deepak Chopra
“I close my eyes in order to see”
~ Paul Gauguin
“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it”
~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
“If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your back”
~ Eido Tai Shimano Roshi
“You are creation. See it. Believe it. Be it”
~ Sara Rose